African Fintechs collaborate to interlink mobile money and digital assets
SECDEX and KOINON jointly foster B2C & B2B payments convergence [...]
SECDEX and KOINON jointly foster B2C & B2B payments convergence [...]
By Hirander Misra, Chairman & CEO of GMEX Group and [...]
We made it to the most influential Fintech companies 2021 [...]
Hirander Misra, CEO of SECDEX Group participated in the panel discussion giving [...]
The openbusinesscouncil summit reflects solutions and ways for businesses and [...]
Hirander Misra, CEO of SECDEX Group, will be on the [...]
PlatformAfrica: "The GMEX Group and the Realization Group held a webinar on Thursday, 11 [...]
A growing number of exchanges and trading firms are embracing [...]
Hirander Misra, Chairman & CEO of SECDEX Group, moderated the panel on [...]
London, Seychelles, 19th February 2021. Bedford Row Capital PLC (BRC) [...]