Tokenovate and GMEX ZERO13 enable execution of world’s first smart legal contract for voluntary carbon credit derivatives trades using ISDA definitions
BSV Blockchain based smart legal contract powers successful trade execution [...]
BSV Blockchain based smart legal contract powers successful trade execution [...]
Hirander Misra will be on a panel at 10:00 GMT [...]
By Hirander Misra, Chairman of SECDEX Group At the start [...]
As we approach the end of 2021, it's time to [...]
We are pleased to announce that Hensley&Cook is an approved Sponsor [...]
In this latest issue of Securities Finance Times magazine, securities [...]
Powered by Ledgers: Leading Market Experts Predict How Exchange 4.0 [...]
Hirander Misra, Chariman of SECDEX Group, suggests the time for [...]
openbusinesscouncil launched its inaugural global summit which aims to offer a road [...]
SECDEX and KOINON jointly foster B2C & B2B payments convergence [...]